We have some VERY exciting news!
In June this year we relocated into a brand new purpose-built veterinary facility!
The new clinic is only 7 minutes away from our previous location and comes with plenty of parking, an entrance at the front and rear of the building as well as a separate entry and waiting room just for cats! Cats always get what they want haha.
New Reception Area

The location is 155 Old Cleveland Rd, Capalaba. This building has been a veterinary clinic in the past, but the new clinic is an original, state-of-the-art development. We’ve completely gutted the building and redesigned the clinic from the ground up.
We’re not changing ownership. My Local Vet will remain family owned and operated so you’ll continue to enjoy personalised service every time you visit.
– Dr Sam Jones, Founder of My Local Vet
The new My Local Vet will be three times the size of the previous clinic, complete with soundproofed rooms, a large waiting area for dogs, and separate cat and dog wards, ensuring our inhouse patients get a good night’s sleep.
Things to know:
– Our phone number will stay the same.
– All our patient files are stored securely in a cloud server and accessed by remote desktop so the “transfer of files” will be seamless.
– The whole team is coming with us! It’s our people that make My Local Vet so special and we’re pleased to say you’ll see all the familiar faces at the new clinic.
– Once the move is complete the current clinic will no longer be operational.
– We will continue to offer our house call service.
We’re confident that our new clinic will confer an improved customer and patient experience – Everyone likes more space including pets!
If you have suggestions for our new premises, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at askus@mylocalvet.com.au or a message via our Facebook page.
Lastly, we want to thank you for your ongoing support and trust in us to deliver an outstanding veterinary service to you and your pets. We promise to keep striving to exceed your expectations.
We look forward to sharing this journey with you. Look out for all the updates on our Facebook page!
Open and Taking Appointments NOW!