
The desexing operation is a fairly universal procedure across all veterinary practices. However, there is significant variation in what’s included for the price. For example, not all veterinarians will routinely administer intravenous fluid therapy during anaesthesia. My Local Vet provides intravenous fluid therapy to every single anaesthetised patient in order to maintain adequate blood pressure, promote normal hydration and to assist organs, such as the liver and kidneys, to metabolise anaesthetic drugs.

Many veterinary practices do not routinely measure blood pressure and end tidal carbon dioxide during anaesthesia. My Local Vet measures both of these parameters as well as oxygenation, heart rate and rhythm, respiratory rate, body temperature and depth of anaesthesia. Monitoring blood pressure is really important because anaesthetic agents will often reduce blood pressure and this can adversely effect all organs, particularly the kidneys. If blood pressure readings fall below a certain level, we can combat this by increasing the rate of intravenous fluid administration or by reducing the depth of anaesthesia or both. If blood pressure is not monitored then how would the vet know if it is low? Measuring end tidal carbon dioxide is essential in gauging the blood carbon dioxide level and determining if the anaesthetised patient is taking deep enough breaths. Abnormally high carbon dioxide levels can adversely effect both the brain and the cardiovascular system!

Some veterinary practices do not routinely perform a pre-anaesthetic blood test. This test is quick and easy to perform at My Local Vet providing the veterinarian with important information about your pet’s blood cell count, liver and kidney health. These organs are involved in metabolising anaesthetic drugs so you can imagine how important it is to know that they are perfectly healthy before general anaesthesia! Often early stage liver or kidney disease is not detected with even the most thorough physical exam so a blood test will give you peace of mind that everything is ok.

The cost of desexing your pet will depend on the species (dog or cat), sex (male or female) and body weight so it’s best to give us a call so we can give you an exact price.